dimanche 20 janvier 2019

Kim Pérez: “Transsexual people’s human and civil rights should never be used as a political tool”


Kim Pérez: “Transsexual people’s human and civil rights should never be used as a political tool”

Last Tuesday, Granada transsexual activist Kim Pérez, 77 years old, started a hunger strike with a view to “denounce and highlight the setbacks in human rights” at the hands of the next Andalusian government. The strike concurs with protests convened by feminist groups in various places across Andalusia and Spain. 

This initiative took place on the same day as the inauguration of the Andalusian Parliament.

Kim has always championed transsexual people’s human rights. She also supported Carla ANTONELLI, the coordinator of the Socialist Party’s Transsexual department, when she announced that she would start a hunger strike on the 15th of May 2006.

As an activist, Kim is again at the forefront of a long standing struggle. On social media she explained some of the reasons for the strike, including Vox’s dubious intentions towards the LGBT movement, and the fact that transsexual people’s rights were not included in the new Andalusian government’s agreement. 

On the 17th of January 2019, Susana DIAZ PACHECO, the Secretary General of the Socialist Party, sent Kim an open letter inviting her to collaborate towards improving TranS’ people’s daily life. 

Dear Kim PEREZ, us, the Latina TranS’ community in Europe, support you and your plea.

                                                                                                         18 – 01- 2019

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